Creating Dashboards

At the home page for the Dashboard as shown below:

  1. Click the New icon at the App Sidebar. Dashboards app
  2. You will be redirected to New section to select the theme. Dashboards app
  3. You will be able to select from multiple themes, but currently only Blank Template theme is working and all other themes are work in progress and will be available later. Dashboards app
  4. On selecting a theme(Example: Blank), Modal will pop up to enter the Name for the Dashboard. Dashboards app
  5. After entering the name, click on create and user will be redirected to New Dashboard as shown below. Dashboards app Dashboards app

Dashboard Features

Dashboard is mainly divided into three components

Dashboards app
  • On the top, there will be the client logo.

  • Below the logo there will be a list of dashboard tabs. By default, Home Tab will be automatically created while creating a dashboard.

  • At the bottom of the sidebar we have Back button to go back to the previous screen.

Dashboards app
  • Left Section

    • First, will be the name of the current Dashboard and on clicking the name of the dashboard user can also view the list of other dashboards, and switch to other dashboards from there.

    • Next is the icon to change the dashboard into edit mode. The two mode View and Edit can be switched with the help of this icon.

  • Right Section In Right section we have three actions in order give below

    • Share Dashboard

    • Dashboard Settings

    • Real time History Settings

Widgets Section

Dashboards app This is the main section where user can see their widgets.

We will discuss the above features in detail in later sections.