Report Wizard


Reports app helps us to design a Word like document with various features like Widgets, Custom images, different shapes, drag and drop UI, share report.

Look out for this icon for the Reports app.

Report icon

You can find it in the appbar as shown below.

Report icon in the appbar

Click on this icon to launch the report app. The Report app will reports, excel, and default tab is the Home tab, as in the image below.

Reports home

In the Reports app, there is a sidebar menu with the following icon.

Report menu

The icons mean the following (L to R):

  1. Reports
  2. Excel


The second tab in Reports app is reports which is a collections of all the reports

Below icon denotes Reports.

report app menu

Click on this icon to open Reports Tab.

The Reports feature lists all the reports which is created and we can add or update the particualr report with various features like add various shapes, widgets, images. See Reports for detailed info.

Report list menu


The Third tab in Reports app is Excel where we can download excel report.

Below icon denotes Excel.

report app menu

Click on this icon to open Excel Tab.

The Excel feature is used to download the excel report with various filters and also in different format like CSV, XLS, PDF. See Excel for detailed info.

Excel list menu