Role Manager


Role Manager App helps us in defining user roles and manage user-level access control to MADS apps and actions within the apps.

Look out for this icon for the Role Manager app. Role Manager is the first app you should know about.

Role Manager app

You can find it in the appbar as shown below.

Role Manager icon in the appbar

Click on this icon to launch the Role Manager app. The Role Manager app will open, and default tab is the Home tab, as in the image below.

Role Manager home

In the Role Manager app, there is a sidebar menu with the following icons.

Role Manager menu

The icons mean the following (L to R):

  1. User Groups
  2. Users
  3. Projects
  4. Activity

Things we can do using Role Manager App:

  1. Custom user roles and groups
  2. Permission management
  3. App level action control
  4. Monitor user logs and reports

User Groups

The second tab in Role Manager app is User Groups which is a collections of allowed apps and actions items.

Below icon denotes User Groups.

Entity Manager app

Click on this icon to open User Groups Tab.

Entity Manager app

User Groups tab will open up, and it’ll show all the created User Groups.

Entity Manager app

It contains the user groups list with their Names, Policies and Actions. In the Actions column, we have options to edit and delete user groups(Discussed in Editing and deleting User Groups section).

Entity Manager app

On the top right of User Groups list there is a button to Add User Group. Clicking on that button will open an Add User Group modal, using which we can add User Groups. (Discussed in Creating User Groups section)


Users is the third tab in Role Manager app.

Entity Manager app

Click on this icon to open Users Tab.

Entity Manager app

Users tab will open up, and it’ll show all the users of the organization. It contains two tabs, Users and Invites.

Entity Manager app

User tab contains the users list with their Names, Role, User Groups and Actions. In the Actions column, we have options to edit, delete and view user groups. There is a search bar to search for users.

Entity Manager app

On the top right of Users list there is a button to Invite User. Clicking on that button will open an Invite User modal, using which we can invite Users. (Discussed in Inviting Users section)

Entity Manager app

The second tab is Invites which contains the list of invited emails with their Roles, Status and Actions.


Projects is the fourth tab in Role Manager app.

Entity Manager app

Click on this icon to open Projects Tab.

Entity Manager app

Projects tab will open up, and it’ll show all the projects of the organization. It contains two tabs, Active and Archived.

Entity Manager app

Active tab contains the list of active projects with their Names, Managers, Members, Metadata, Locations and Actions. In the Actions column, we have options to edit, delete, archive and view active projects. There is a search bar to search for acive projects.

Entity Manager app

On the top right of active projects list there is a button to Add Project. Clicking on that button will open an Add Project modal, using which we can add projects. (Discussed in Creating Projects section)

Entity Manager app

The second tab is Archived Projects which contains the list of Archived Projects with their Names, Managers, Members, Metadata, Locations and Actions. In the Actions column, we have options to edit, delete, unarchive and view active projects. There is a search bar to search for archived projects.


Activity is the fifth tab in Role Manager app.

Entity Manager app

Click on this icon to open Activity Tab.

Entity Manager app